Why Choose Us?

  1. Quality and personable care set in a warm, family environment
  2. State-of-the-art orthodontic technology and appliances, including Invisalign® invisible braces
  3. Entertainment provided with DVDs playing for each patient chair
  4. Completely digital office: including x-rays, photos, and management
  5. Fun gameroom stocked with Playstations
  6. Flexible hours, including Saturdays
  7. Prizes for good hygiene and cooperation; regular contests and give-aways
  8. We uphold the highest standards of sterilization
  9. Computer analyzed diagnosis and treatment planning providing excellent patient education and consultations
  10. Flexible payment plans to fit your needs
American Association Of OrthodontistsAmerican Board Of Orthodontics 2015American Dental AssociationAcceledent OptimaInvisalign
